Come ogni anno, Dicembre ha visto alla luce i Video Game Awards, dove tutti i migliori titoli di quest'anno sono stati premiati e alcune annunciazioni sono state fatte. Qui di seguito, oltre alla lista dei vincitori, vi proporrò nuovi interessanti video che sono stati rilasciati per quanto riguarda l'ambito pc.
Tra i trailer interessanti, abbiamo naturalmente un nuovo video di Mass Effect 3, Bioshock: Infinite e la grandissima annunciazione del prossimo Command & Conquer in collaborazione con Bioware e l'utilizzo del Frostbyte 2.0, Generals 2!
Fighting Game of the Year: Mortal Kombat
Best Performance by a Human Female: Ellen Mclain – GLaDOS in Portal 2
Best Downloadable Game: Bastion
Best Original Score: Bastion
Best Song in a Game: Bastion - Setting Sail, Coming Home (End Theme) by Darren Korb
Best Xbox 360 Game: Batman: Arkham City
Best Adapted Video Game: Batman: Arkham City
Best Action-Adventure Game: Batman: Arkham City
Most Anticipated Game of 2012: Mass Effect 3 (Viewer Voted)
Best Playstation 3 Game: Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception
Best Graphics: Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception
Best Wii Game: The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
Best Motion Game: The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
VGA’s Hall of Fame: The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
Best Independent Game: Minecraft
Best Handheld/Mobile Game – Super Mario 3D Land
Best Sports Game: Fight Night Champion
Best PC game: Portal 2
Best Performance by a Human Male: Stephen Merchant – Wheatley in Portal 2
Best DLC: Portal 2 – Peer Review
Best Multiplayer: Portal 2 Trailer of the Year: Assassin’s Creed: Revelations E3 2011 Trailer
Best Driving Game: Forza Motorsport 4
Best Shooter: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3
NFL Blitz Cover Athlete: Ray Rice
Gamer God: Blizzard Entertainment
Best Team Sports Game: NBA 2K12
Character of the Year: The Joker – Batman: Arkham City
Studio of the Year: Bethesda Game Studios
Best RPG: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Game of the Year: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
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